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August 11, 2022

13 ways to improve construction site productivity

Finding ways to constantly improve construction productivity can be quite the challenge. The construction industry had been known for its mismanagement and inefficiencies in the past. Now with ConstructApps, things are changing, our innovative software optimises your job force, boosting construction productivity in numerous ways.

1. Go fully digital 

Effective communication is essential when it comes to construction productivity. With a constant flow of updates, information and data having to be shared between different teams our on site construction software brings everything together in one place – reducing delays that paper processes cause and increasing visibility of your projects, improving construction productivity. Going fully digital allows you to collaborate in real time with your team, and all essential information, like permits and snagging, can be viewed by everyone. 

Using digital construction management software, like ConstructApps, covers everything from job scheduling, health and safety documents and any real-time data which all have an impact on the productivity of your team. 

2. Streamline signing in process

By streamlining the signing in process you can monitor who is and who isn’t on site. This information is particularly useful if an evacuation is required or a simple spot check needs to be carried out. You can spend less time worrying about whether people are in the right place, and you can easily view anybody that’s out of place and rectify it – increasing construction productivity massively. ConstructApps uses QR scanning to monitor sign ins and sign outs. 

3. Automatically capture reliable information

Using digital construction management software, like ConstructApps, covers everything from job costing, health and safety documents and any real-time data that all have an impact on the productivity of your team. The information found when using this software is reliable, as it gets updated in real-time with the latest details readily available to view. This saves you time as you can apply yourself based on the most current information available, increasing construction productivity and efficiency. 

4. Key information available to you 24/7 

With ConstructApps, you no longer need to waste time searching for paperwork. All key pieces of information are available for you to access and view at any time, whether you’re on site or not. It’s a lot more convenient to have this information all at the palm of your hand and is a great way to stay on top of upcoming tasks and items. 

5. Keep it simple by only capturing the required information 

We’re all about keeping it simple. Which is why our app is laid out for practical use into sections, so you can easily find what you need. Rather than getting sidetracked and sifting through irrelevant heaps of information all at once, you can focus on only the information you need, which improves overall construction productivity. 

6. Avoiding duplication of information 

Duplication of information on construction sites is far too common and often caused by unorganised pieces of paper being passed across to various individuals and teams. 

By having everything in one place, it stops people from duplicating information, so time isn’t wasted and productivity increases. 

7. Automatic management of drawings and key information often revised throughout the life cycle of a project 

This is a great feature that contributes to improving construction productivity. It records real-time changes and version control -improving the way you manage on and off site items.

8. A powerful snagging module always available 

A powerful snagging module is essential to construction productivity, as it ensures the safe execution of work, especially for client teams and duty holders. It also gives the client team the ability to contribute, monitor and understand the snagging progression, setting quality standards from the start.

9. Information can be captured on site and submitted later in the day 

You don’t have to spend time submitting all the information you capture on site straight away when you use ConstructApps. Digital gives you the flexibility to submit information later on in the day, so you can spend more time gathering the right information and making sure it translates correctly for everyone to understand, which in turn will increase your own productivity and the rest of the team’s productivity too. 

10. Communication between office and site massively improved 

As mentioned before, communication is key, when it comes to construction productivity, especially between your onsite and office teams. The easier it is for them to communicate back and forth the better projects will go as there are reduced delays and each team is properly informed on supplies, snagging information and any other important items. 

You can record essential information when using ConstructApps, like timesheets and the daily diary and upload it back to the head office immediately. 

11. Shared digital diary 

It’s imperative that there’s a regularly updated digital diary. This will allow for workers to check deadlines of certain jobs, view when construction materials are being delivered or have been ordered, when individuals are off on holiday so they won’t be booked in to do a job whilst they’re away and so much more.  

Having a shared digital diary ensures proper planning and forecasting can take place which increases construction productivity.  

12. Effective communication to all parties 

It’s all well and good communicating the information back and forth between each other, but is it the correct information? Passing on the wrong information or passing information through to the wrong team can waste time, and can often happen when using paper processes. It’s as easy as people’s handwriting getting misread or words being misinterpreted. 

With ConstructApps there is no room for miscommunication or ineffective communication, it’s clear and direct where certain pieces of information will be, who they are for so nobody misses out on information for them and they can be updated to reflect the latest developments, improving construction productivity.  

13. Maintain a well organised, clean and tidy construction site 

It’s simple, but can often be overlooked. Ensuring that your construction site is well organised, clean and tidy is essential to productivity. 

Everyone needs to know where tools and equipment have been left and nobody wants to spend hours cleaning up. Making sure you stay on top of the cleanliness and tidiness of your site is needed when looking at how to improve construction productivity. 

Hopefully our 13 ways to improve construction productivity have inspired you to make some direct changes to the way you approach construction and ongoing projects. ConstructApps has been designed to ensure productivity within the construction industry remains at a high level, with various tools and modules to help manage this. 

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